These are our terms and conditions. Please read them with care.
Please read these products terms and conditions carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law and set out the terms under which The Mountain Factor Limited (TMF) makes products available to you.
The prices payable for the items that you order are clearly set out on the web site. If, by mistake, we have under-priced an item, we will not be liable to supply that item to you at the stated price, provided that we notify you before we dispatch the item concerned. All prices are expressed inclusive of any VAT payable unless otherwise stated. The price of the items does not include the delivery charge which will be charged at the rates applicable at the date you place your order and which will be displayed in the ‘Shipping’ sub-section of the Terms, Conditions & Shipping page. Product information is included on the site and if there is anything which you do not understand, or if you want more information, please contact the Shop by e-mail or telephone.
We will endeavour to have only those items which are in stock or available on our site. However, occasionally we may be unable to supply a particular item, in which case we will notify you as soon as possible.
There will be no contract of any kind between you and TMF unless and until we have processed your payment. Your order is an offer to buy from TMF. Until payment has been taken we may decline to supply the goods to you without giving any reason. At the moment that payment has been taken (and not before), a contract will be made between you and TMF.
TMF accept MasterCard, all forms of Visa, Switch and Solo, and Paypal.
We will e-mail you confirming that we have received your order. You will receive a further e-mail when the goods have been dispatched. You will receive a computer generated invoice/packing note with the goods when they are delivered. Any mistakes in billing or receipts will be corrected as soon as possible.
TMF monitors all the orders that have been confirmed on the website, and all payments through TMF will be subject to security checks from both the payment provider and The Mountain Factor. This monitoring aims to protect TMF from fraudulent practices and to protect our customers against unauthorised use of their payment details. TMF may contact you by email or by telephone to confirm your order information and order details: proof of address or of a debit in your name, and proof of address in the name of the person indicated for the delivery address, etc…
These requests may be made by email :
- For an order for which the delivery address is different to the billing address
- For new clients or any customer that has never previously had their account verified
- For orders placed with internationally issued bank cards
- For any international orders that have been classed as suspicious by our payment provider
This order verification will be done prior to your order processing and it may cause a delay in the preparation and despatch of your order
We will provide the option of a full refund, within a reasonable time, if the goods turn out to be faulty or different from those the consumer ordered. We will give all refunds as soon as possible. In some circumstance we may have to wait for third party confirmation that the goods are indeed faulty (in the event of a return of a faulty item that would need testing by the manufacturer.) Complaints will be dealt with fairly, confidentially and swiftly. We will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days and provide a likely timescale for resolving the dispute. We will keep you informed of what action we are taking.
Your orders are sent to us via a Secure Page on our web site. This means that others cannot hack into your credit card details or obtain any other personal information from our order form. We know of no documented case of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the Internet. All credit card numbers are encrypted in the software when the order is placed using 128 bit encryption. They are only decrypted after they reach our computer. They are not held in clear text on any web site. Any customer information held on our computers complies with the rules and laws contained within the Data Protection Act 1984 act. We will keep customer information safe and secure and will not distribute or sell this information to a third party.
Your statutory rights are not affected by any of the above.
If you have any questions regarding the above information or anything else then feel free to contact us at